Safety Programs & OSHA Compliance

Can-Am Packaging Equipment Corporation provides HR and safety related services that include PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) inspection, creating or reviewing an existing company safety manual, training, OSHA preparedness plan, LO/TO programs, hazardous communication programs and help forming a safety committee for your company.

Don't take the chance of being exposed to issues that could be remedied quickly... before the fines and penalties get issued.

Take the practical approach to implementing safety. OSHA requirements seem daunting but don't have to be. Many programs can be in place within a week!

All it takes is one call to OSHA from a disgruntled or former employee to prompt an inspection.

Free up your HR Manager for day-to-day operations rather than researching, implementing and training employees on "special" projects that OSHA requires.

Please contact us for more information.